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    Herne kent

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  1. Posts: 4 Re: A Clear Spell! « Reply #1 on: Today at 10:03:23 PM » Quote Modify Remove :D At last a couple of hours of clear sky. Got the SW startravel set up and aligned on the second atempt. Got Dads meade EXY 70 AT aligned as well, which he could not do. The manual said nearest large city will do but I put in the long and lat of my back garden according to iphone. Had a good general look around, missed Jupiter because of the 4 meter leylandii hedge and me faffing around. I tried out the webcam but laptop was'nt having it so I need to figure that out. All in all quite pleased with myself and the clouds for giving me a break. I am thinking I could do with a barbar or dentist type chir on a circular track in the meantime a couple of cushions will have to do...
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