I used to own the Celestron 127mak Nexstar goto scope, and it was an ok scope, but I had alot of frustration with the alignment and tracking, they just never worked as they should have, especially the tracking. The alignment failed constantly, and the tracking would just suddenly stop working and the object would track off the field of view, and i would have to align a over again to correct this. It really killed my enjoyment after awhile.
I ended up getting a whole new replacement telescope from celestron, but guess what, the exact same issues occurred.
I had some really nice views of the moon and planets, and even the solar eclipse with a solar filter, but it just was plagued with issues, so I sold it.
I also found it quite cumbersome to lug around, as I have some physical disabilities, and the tripod was quite shaky even when I weighed it down with weights.
These are all reasons I would not recommend this scope. Also, the whole time I had the 127mak, I regretted not buying a dobsonian scope.
I went a couple years without a telescope, and I just went down the same path you are going down now, trying to choose a scope, and its hard, because there are no perfect scopes, especially in the beginners price range. There is always something about a scope that is a weakness or needs improvement.
I settled after much consideration on the Orion StarBlast 6i IntelliScope 6 inch dobsonian table top.
Apparantly the focuser sux, but it's more than made up for with the portability which is important to me as I simply cannot lift a full size 6 inch dob, and from what I understand it can function as a wider field ot high magnification depending on your choice of eyepieces.
There is no perfect scope, but this one fits my needs.
Clear skies!