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Posts posted by Lilac_dust

  1. Okay so I've attempted to use my new mount (heq5) and scope (RC51). I have no southerly views so I'm relying on NINA'S 3 point polar align. I cannot for the life of me get it really going.
    I got up to the azimuth and altitude error which was so far off. So I'm wondering if it's because im doing something wrong in NINA or if I'm setting my mount up wrong in the first place.

    I set the N leg to true south (australia) set the latitude to the degrees of my location, start the mount from park.

    Do I slew to something like the Orion's nebula to begin with and TPPA/platesolve from there or is anywhere in the sky meant to work?

    I'm ripping my hair out trying to figure it out. So if anyone has an exact work flow or can explain what I'm doing wro
    ng would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I'm about to order a Redcat 51 and a ASI224mc and i'm just wondering if I'll need spacers and if so what ones exactly. Im very new to this and this will be my first refractor and astrocam.

    Also will I need a filter? I like in bortle 5 skies and I plan to try my hand at emission nebulae and of course planetary with this cam although it will mostly be used as a guide cam as I'll be using my unmodded nikon most the time.

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