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secondary mirrorless GSO 8" F4 CONSTRUCTION

This project was started a few weeks ago with the intention of removing the secondary mirror from my scope.

i used a celestron 8 inch f5 tube and replaced the f5 mirror with a GSO 8 inch f4 mirror.

A new mirror cell had to be built so i used the stellafane design as shown in the pics.

i was fed up with the secondary dewing up and knew that the heat produced from the camera would eliminate this.

7% increase in light since no secondary.

less diffraction since camera is much smaller than the required size of secondary.

collimation is a dream, just remove the camera and look through the hole.

focusing is done by gently moving the camera.

i will be doing some rough tests tonight and will post images in the future.

the images shown is of the scope nearly finished, i have to block the hole where the focuser used to be.


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