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Wasted good viewing time tonight.

mr saddo


what a pain in th ars@ the philips spc web cam is!! wasted good 2 hours messing with the blumming thing, trying to get a image of m42, strange thing though Saturday got image of Sirius and Betelgeuse, stars, but cant remember what i did to pick up stars. So frustrating. Had a look at Saturn tonight coming up early now. Quite good clear night, WASTED.


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hi mate this sensor is just toooooooooooooooo small for m42 and as you no if ya push the mag up with the v lounge software focus is then a pain,as is gain get a cheap dslr of flea bay you can pick one up for around 100 or spend money on a bigger ccd chip for the philips get on you tube theres a couple a vids how to fit the bigger ccd chip which is about 3x bigger i gave up with the spc its great for the moon but any thing else its just not got a good sensor unless its been modded would be intrered to see what other pics you do get with it

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i did manage to get Sirius and Betelgeuse (see my album) on the cam , but for the life of me i can not remember the settings has i re named the image which corresponded to the settings file!.

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i see them now two dots of light say in that i did get some video footage of arcturus and a few others but mothing to show really i did some the other night but they on the lap top biut the mmon ones are good looks like you shrpened them to much and they look a little flat(do not take that the wrong way im no expert)what photo editing do you use ? do you save as raw tiff jpeg ect i use coral photo shop pro 3x which i think is just as good as photo shop cs5 at a cheaper price take a look at my 19 album these were all 3 min videos at 10fps, a can noty rember the rest yuu2 wasone of the settings a no that muxh out of 1,50 frames a got a average of 750/900 frames staked perpic not bad

the moon 19th march 2011 pictures by todd8137 - Photobucket

but stick at it like me still getting to grips with it cheers i look forward to you next set of pics i would like to copy and paste a few of your pics to touch them up a bit if thats ok with you they fine as they are but a love a play with corel clear skies always pat

ps my first go at capella

Stargazers Lounge - todd8137's Album: the set up - Picture

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Hi Todd, i pulled the images off the avi video using a screen grabber software, i have not run them though registax yet, having trouble with that has well!. yours paul.

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have ya tried "sharpcap" its a lot better and also "WcCTRL" I RUN SHARPCAP THEN OPEN WCCRTL at the same time it gives ya more control have a look at them, a do about 3 mins about 1500 frames because any thing less then ya some times endd up stack in about a hundred and its just no good done cappela the other day will post it up and pop the link in here

stars pictures by todd8137 - Photobucket

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cheers this was tsaked from about 5x3mins the 5 stacked pics were then staked again in registax have you tried this ? ive done this with the moon befor 10x 3 mins track the same spot on the moon then stack the next 10if ya not sure how to do this (ecuse me if you do a can make a short vid on file in registax just select jpeg stills a think thas what it is i zoom the pic ise a small alignment size and away ya go have had a few plays with deep skystacker as well thats not bad but not got to grips with it yet crack on with the images a look forward to see in them we can learn together we have clear skies now here but to tired and its tro late to set up ect

clear skies alwayspat

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