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Disaster- a wasted day



Ballcocks! 😞 Well you learn something new every day and I learnt today that you shouldn’t use aluminium formers to silver solder brass...

It started off so well as well







Guess I’ll be starting that again from scratch- ballcocks


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Oh no! It was looking so good in the first few pictures Mark. Hope you find the right way of doing it next time!

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Cheers Stu- the solder joint itself looked alright too haha

I think I need to make a thin walled steel former and hope it doesn't solder itself to it next time- need something in there to keep the shape nice and accurate while soldering

edit- dunno why I didn't think of it before- a pair of SS mudguard washers turned to dimension spaced on a bolt should do it- shouldn't stick to the solder either

Edited by markse68
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Second time lucky- I ordered some ss mudguard washers and turned them to size this time and the soldering went perfectly





I also discovered that the citric acid I bought to descale my kettle works great for removing borax flux 👍


Just need to not make a balls up of bending the edge over now...🤞

Edited by markse68
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Thanks Stu 😊

gave it a coat of hi-temp exhaust paint which seems about as matt as you can get (or I’ve found anyway)


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Wow, amazing job. That rim holding the mirror in is so neat, and evenly trimmed, how did you do that?

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Half round file Stu- one with fine teeth and gently and patiently- very easy to catch the edge and bend it.

Here it is in the spider- I’m about to fit it to the tube- hope I didn’t mess up any measurements 🤔



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Well done, turned out good in the end. Very neat join and well done on the folded edge, that can be tricky to get right.

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