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Pictures of new set up.



Since first posting details of my new set up on the Blogstronomy blog I've been literally inundated by an e mail from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales.  Mrs Trellis writes

"Dear so-called Top Gear.  When are we going to get that lovely Ginger person back on Gardeners' Question Time?  P.S. Show us some pictures of your new mount, scope and camera."

Who am I to disappoint my fan base?





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Wow now  that is a serious set up !!   Congratulations -Is there anything in particular that you are going to focus on excuse the pun!



Jim R


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On 2017-5-6 at 14:25, JimRymer said:

Wow now  that is a serious set up !!   Congratulations -Is there anything in particular that you are going to focus on excuse the pun!


Jim R


First off is learning how to use it all!

The whole idea is that the new set up is multi-purpose.

The 80 mm ED refractor is my main DSO imaging scope.  This will be used mainly for narrowband imaging (with some LRGB as well) of DSOs with the new CCD camera and filter wheel.

The 66 mm ED refractor serves as a guide scope for DSO imaging, but can be used for wider field DSO imaging with the new CCD camera and filter wheel + a focal reducer as well.  In this configuration I could also add my astro-modified DSLR to the 80ED and add a finder guider and do simultaneous colour imaging and narrow band imaging of the same target.  The 66 mm can also be used for Ha viewing/imaging of the Sun with my Coronado 0.7Ao etalon with adaptor + BF10 blocking filter. 

The C 9.25 is my main visual scope, used mostly for double star observing.  It also doubles up as my main lunar and planetary scope for both visual observing and imaging.  Thirdly, I plan to try out DSO imaging of distant galaxies and planetary nebulae through it with the new CCD camera and filter wheel + an off axis guider.

Of course, how on earth I'm going to fit all this stuff in to my life is another matter!

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