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The Engine issue






Well today I removed the engine to strip and find the cause of the misfire and excess backpressure. Once the cylinder head was removed the cause was obvious, a holed and cracked piston on cylinder 4 and luckily no other damage to the cylinder, This should be a straight forward repair for me to do. As a precautionary measure I will have the diesel injectors checked and also check so se if there is a cooling oil jet when I remove the sump and piston.


IMG 1831


IMG 1828

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Yes indeed its a 5 cylinder engine. All back together now and running fine. The next stages in the process of conversion are being worked on name;y the roof and self levelling system.

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I think you will have to respray it in a different colour as this one is restricted for emergency vehicles.

Apart from mobility the cabin will definitely prove useful during cold nights. This explains why there is so few women among astronomers - they lose heat very quickly.


Very good idea. I want to see it in action.

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