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Time for a new lap



I finally managed to test my mirror after going back to 600 to get rid of a centre problem and as soon as I got the mirror on the test rig in the dark I could see immediately that the centre wasn't polishing properly so I've decided that I'm going to start afresh with a new lap.I can't be certain yet that I've cured the centre problems but I'm hopeful and as Mapster had also had this problem after going back to 600 and then great success with the new lap I'm certain that it's the way to go.So hopefully have some more pitch the end of this week/beginning of next week then I can do my favourite thing, get pitch all over me, the garage, the sink and the kitchen floor haha

Hopefully the lessons I learned last time will make this lap a much easier prospect :)

Wish me luck

Clear skies



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Yeah hoping the new lap will do the trick.as I had a raised centre before I'm thinking that after the regrinding that the lap is missing the new lower centre and there isn't enough material to fill the gap even after a hot press.time will tell :)

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Fingers crossed, Unfortunately Rich I'm battling a turned edge? It's taken a week up to now and its steadily moved outward although I think I'm hitting a bit of a brick wall as it doesn't seem to be changing now? Not sure if it's the slight warp on the table thats caused it? 

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It would eventually but I've only gone back to 600 and it would take about 100 hours to grind a mm off the sagitta with 600.the problem I have looked massive when testing but it's 100ths of a mm and undetectable by the human eye.

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Have the pitch but just haven't had the time to do anything with it!!will hopefully cast the lap tomorrow afternoon then cut the channels before the weekend then be back to polishing.i can now se how people take years to make a mirror!

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Have the pitch but just haven't had the time to do anything with it!!will hopefully cast the lap tomorrow afternoon then cut the channels before the weekend then be back to polishing.i can now se how people take years to make a mirror!

I'll agree fella as were well into our second year of this! Hope the channels are now cut 

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Yeah new lap poured and channels cut hoping to get an hour done before I'm on holiday the end of the week to see if it's polishing well.nice and thick this time :)

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Yeah it is shocking but I can understand people selling up with the weather we seem to have although it's not been bad lately.ive not observed through a scope in well over a year now but hoping that this will be the last year I'm scope less!

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