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I will be traveling by car and want to transport my telescope. I have a refractor and I understand this type is the safest to transport, any advice?


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I am a newbie here and cannot seem to find how to access the main forum, I clicked on forums and I see "add a new entry" but it brings me to my blog which I created not knowing how to use this site yet

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Click on "Forums" or the SGL logo at the top of the page, this will take to to the homepage. From there navigate to the the appropriate section and then add a new topic.

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ok I clicked on forums and there are a lot of sub topics I am just looking for the "community" forum to post to all members, I like to think I know my way areound sites but this site is proving me wrong

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This is your own personal blog. This is where you record your own thoughts, experiences etc. If you wish to ask questions or have something to share with the rest of the forum please use the main forum. The forum is sub-divided into sections such as beginners help and advice, imaging and general astronomy stuff.

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