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So who's interested in ATIK on the mac? (see here)



I've been asking around to see who's going to be interested, so far:

* Craig Stark - Nebulosity & PHD

* Software Bisque - TheSkyX

If you know of more I'd be interested to know so I can approach them..

The plan is to produce an experimental Alpha release around end of Dec. Let people play and report back before pulling together the feedback for the Beta release.

Now the good news is that the driver has parallels with AOSX - so in theory it should plug and play..


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For me Nebulosity is the deal maker/breaker so it's good to hear that Nebulosity is an option/possibility/probability? :) as it's the only app I use for image capture/guiding.

The two other apps I use most are Astroplanner (author Paul Rodman) and SkySafari although in each case I leave control of the scope usually to EQMac and neither are really relevant to camera control.

Another possibility is Equinox/Equinox Image by Darryl Robertson. It's mostly SBIG oriented but as a Mac user I've always wanted to link in Equinox into what I do..


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I don't yet own a CCD camera, but have my eyes on the 383L+. However, the lack of Mac support has me on the fence, and I may spring for the QSI 583 primarily for that reason. So I'd be interested in this.

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