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Orion 12th Jan 2012

Great clear skies tonight. Managed to get my first clear shot of the Orion Nebula. Pretty chuffed I finally managed to get a shot.



Scope setup for Sun Observing

Here's my scope and home made sun filter. I've been informed I'll get a better image if I set the exposure time to 1/500. I'll have another go when the clouds vanish again.



Ursa Major 3rd Jan 20:26 to 21:41

I took 66 x 30 sec exposures at ISO 1600 last night, looking at Ursa Major. I then stacked them with 3 dark exposures using Deep Sky Stacker. I also made a short video of the images and uploaded them to you tube. http://youtu.be/5b8aO-LkGQU



M35, then fail on M37 so fall back to Moon Observing

I went out with the 8SE with the intention of seeing the open clusters near Orion, namely M35, M37, M38, but I felt hampered by the half-full Moon from the start. I found M35 easy enough, though it was only just visible in the 9x50 finder scope with averted vision. It seemed a little unspectacular, probably due to the light from the Moon, indeed after my eyes had adjusted I hardly needed a torch to see what I was doing. I tried moving on to M37 but for the life of me I just could not locate i



Galaxy hunt tonight 1.1 12.

Hi all ,its clearing nice here gonna post this up and stick the SW 300p out side, for a couple of hours its gave clear skies for the east tonight,the laptop batt as died and will only run of the power supply and can not have power on in the shed at the min. i have a few in mind for tonight i have never seen the sun flower galaxy i hear its a urban myth we shall see . Orion will get a work out as well and not just the neb all stars and all the other goodies that's on offer , Cassiopeia is still g



bit of a war going on mak 90 v heritage 130p

Well ive had the full regalia out tonight, sky watcher 90mm mak out , heritage 130p dob,out and sky watcher 15x70 bins out and the revelation eye kit out. Now then the mak has the power but the contrast is poor on high power, say 9mm 1250 focal length, but heritage 130p has good field veiw but you have to use x2 barlow and 15mm ep 650 focal length for Jupiter quite sharp though.. Trouble with heritage dob is that the focuser his screw helix type, and there is a bit of slop in it. Pliedies does n

mr saddo

mr saddo


Well.. I've now got an OAG (SX-OAG) and after many months of delay caused by other demands and uncooperative weather, I got my first autoguided shot with the mount. I knew the DSLR and the guider were not parfocal, so I accepted the inevitably poor shot and had a crack anyway. Stacking 30 x 30 second shots with no software registration showed the movement was not discernable. Out of focus yes, but 'sharply' out of focus, not just blobs so the autoguiding is really working. Next up: C mount ext



its all happening this windy night for now!

ive put the mak 90 on the dob mount has its easier to grab and go, moon very good in cresent, nice detail and sharp, managed to spot Venus!! :) on roof tops, :mad: clouds kept rolling over it, ISS on approach at 4.54pm sw to east. jupiter now high in the sky.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Moonlite Focuser arrived !

Spoke to Ian King imaging, I have never dealt with Ian before, ordered an Ikharus field flatenner / focal reducer and a Moonlite Focuser for my SkyWatcher Equinox ED120 refractor. What a very pleasant gentleman :) Focuser arrived (from stateside) and it was such an easy fit (original unscrewed and new one was an identical thread) I do like the fact that you can rotate the focuser without having to release the tension on the fitting first. Looks fabulous and should easily be able to take the wei




hi all well Saturn will soon be back,and i can not wait i was scanning the net for some info and found in a couple a pics ,what i was looking for. the angle of the rings, the pics are below,i am tempted to set the alarm one night but may wait, this time round i feel i have enough to get a good few pics for next year ,enjoy the pics



Notched up a couple more Messier's

Very clear sky at home tonight following some rain and sleet this afternoon. There was already a thick icy frost on the cars by 6 o'clock! Went out in the back garden with my Revelation 15x70's to see if I could bag a couple more messier objects. Got two open clusters M34 & M35. They were both clearly visible in the bins. I could also just make out M34 visually. Verified both objects by comparing with pictures in 'Deep Sky Companions: The Messier Object' by O'Meara. Both lovely objects



M42 through my 8SE with Skywatcher UHC Filter

Back in September I made a rather large purchase from FLO which included a Baader steeltrack focuser and Skywatcher UHC filter, purchased mainly with the Orion nebula in mind (this particular filter was recommended to me for Orion by the nice chaps at FLO), so I've been waiting for an opportunity to try it out since then. In the mean-time my Maplins power tank died, I've been trying to purchase a replacement AGM battery for it but that has been delayed so the other day I ordered another identi



14th December Meteors

Now I can say I am officially chuffed. I've seen seven Meteors in half hour, thats broke my record. Thanks 3200 Phaethon Its a shame I have to put my head down, I have to be on the road at 6am. I hope its this good during Star Gazing Live 2 in January.



14th December Meteors

I wasn't planning to observe tonight, but I just opened the front upstairs window as its clear tonight. Facing south, I just spotted three amazingly bright meteors falling over Rutland, UK within a couple of minutes. One was across Orion. Pretty chuffed not to have to wait around for hours on end for these spectacles. I have to say, I feel really priveleged to observe these meteors this evening.



Moon 9th dec

Moon hi all just got every thing out side so the moon is nearly full tonight, so filters and web cam at the ready and waiting for telesto to get here with is 200p flex-tube auto track, i have the 12"reflector at the ready my filters tonight will be red ,blue, ir,and may be if its real rough the nd94 ,purple also is great for the web cam gives real deep black and whites mono all the way i had a great view to the north east and east so should get some great shots from tea time tomoz, any way will



Tentative Image transfer!

In between returning from kickboxing and getting to bed I managed to spend an hour working on this. I've now got the first 17MB image transferred. I've still got additional work todo but it's a milestone in the project. :glasses1:



Snow snow ,snow

hi all we have had a sprinkle of snow this morning, at my place 4 miles west of Alfreton any one one else have any could you leave your rough location and if you had snow also could you if poss give me your temps in centigrade thanks



Click - Click as the 383L+ initialises itself on Apple for the first time!

Many thanks to Sandrine putting up with my obsessive behaviour this weekend! For the first time, the ATIK 383L+ initialised itself with the characteristic click-click. The plan was to get the image downloaded for something to show.. however some stupid unwritten behaviour of Apple's USB implementation meant banging my head against the wall for two days straight trying to figure it out - that's sorted! :glasses1: So the camera initialises, chats and will initiate a download of the image.. the rem



Neodymium filter crushed

Neodymium filter well last night i was collecting all my stuff up and was walking towards the back door i saw my neighbor come round the corner ,in is car so hurried to get to the door ,i heard a metal clang on the floor opened the door and heard a crunch, i started to check and sort my eps out no neo filter,i put the porch light on to see the filter had been run over gutted this is my best filter and they not cheap here`s the pic of the dead filter



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