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Mount for DSLR

These are ideas for DSLR astrophotography: click on link: Astrotrac:



New Mosaics 27th Jan 2012

Had a go at some panoramas this morning around my house. I've stiched them together with Microsoft ICE. Had excellent clear skies in the very early morning between 5 and 6am.



Attempt at a Mosaic

I've been playing around with Microsoft ICE. It's really easy to make a mosaic with it. I Just had a go at stitching a second image to the origional photo to widen the final image.



A new baby in the family - Titan arrives!

Big difference in speed between the 16IC and the Titan! (the 16IC is USB 1.1, the Titan is USB 2.0 High Speed) I've had a 5 minute play.. I've got a tweak or two and I should be able to get the images off it. :evil6: Can't wait to point this at M42!



Jupiter Square Moons - 21st Jan, 2012

Jupiter Second time out with the C9.25 and Jupiter served up a surprise. At first look I thought - Oh yes, I'm not falling for that one again - one of those apparent moons must be a star. But no, it was actually the four Gallilean moons in an unusual (what do I know, its cloudy here for 4 months of the year) configuration. Crayford Focuser I had trouble with vibration when focusing at at 470x (5 mm ep). I need to put a crayford focuser on the back with fine focus control. F/6.3 Reducer I recent



First Light C9.25 - Jupiter - Orion - UHC

First light for my Celestron C9.25 was pretty chilly at -2 degrees C. It was Thursday night and I had asked for Friday off work in the hopes that the Clear Sky Clock would come through with its promise of clear sky at 9.00pm onwards. Minutes after making this request, the clear blue skies seen from my work desk clouded into a heavy grey shroud. Not kidding - I managed to change the weather pattern from clear to cloudy just by asking for time off for Astronomy! I was not feeling confident that n



eq1 on my mak 90 setting circles.

been playing with my new scope, now then i have polar aligned it, used Capella has first reference star, dialed it in on ra and dec circles but.... when i try go to say Jupiter the dec is miles out!? it seems to be about 5 degrees out!!! the longitude scale is 60 degrees and i am at 53 degrees north, the scope is deffo on Polaris. Cheap mount or what? don't get much viewing time in!! i am trying to find other stuff with setting circles. Rosette nebular, last 2 nights!! still have not found it b

mr saddo

mr saddo

ATIK repair turnaround - awesome!

Well the 383 was shipped off on saturday, I check the royal mail - it arrived today at 11:38.. only to have a message today at 16:30 to say that it's in the post! Awesome service!



Big Dipper 3rd Jan

30sec Exposure ISO1600, f5.6 Took this earlier in Jan, just converted it to JPEG. Unfortunately, there's a huge 24/7 cement factory North of my house causing a lot of light pollution, so I can't get the best images to the North.




heres the latest stuff hand drawn the links for here on sgl http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-sketches-unconventional/171785-3-weeks-drawing.html#post2113317



Skywatcher 250px 10" FOR SALE

I have to fund my kayak hobby...so sadly my telescope is for sale: Sky-Watcher Skyliner 250px 10" Dobsonian Telescope + Eye pieces, Barlow, Filter | eBay Will be buying another soooooon I'm sure!



It's been a long time!

January 16th, 2012 It has been nearly 2 months since I last gazed at the stars. As each night filled with clouds passed, a small part of me ached and succumbed to darkness. December sneaked by without revealing any sky splendours yet I rejoiced about being reunited with loved ones. My return to the north was one filled with many teaching responsibilities making stargazing difficult. That January night, the skies seemed to come out and embrace me as I brought out my telescope to accli




M1 CRAB NEBULA HI all and as you no tonight the 16 jan,i started a new messier list on 12- 28-11,i had started the list so many times , now i could burn a load of in one night,but then i would not able to bath in its light on my eye ball,that said i put the scopes out at 18:30 and came in for tea fed and watered i printed of all 110 sheets for free i will post one up later ,and i decided i will start with M1 and work my way from there,now is it pos to see all from the UK,i see lots of sigs



Open clusters ahoy! M35, M36, M37, M38

I've noticed the past few nights have been cold and clear, but it's been an exhausting week at work so decided to relax until the weekend, it was worth the wait. Having failed to find these open clusters just to the left of Orion on a previous attempt due to the bright moon, I decided to postpone until the moon was out of the way. I'm still new to this whole moon thing as I wasn't expecting it to be out of the way so soon after a full moon, it didn't appear in the sky at all during my session t



AOSX.. Oops *mayday*mayday*383L down!*

Last night I managed to trip up and take out the USB cable and the centre plastic pin inside the USB socket.. so I'll be arranging a repair trip for the 383L. Perfect conditions but ho-hum! The additional downside is that the 383L support will have to wait for it to be fixed but it does mean I can continue with the 16IC :D I've also just found out that there's an open source project that allows connection for my little Garmin Geko 301, a RS232 serial connection... GPS support :D But 16IC first!



Tonights view in x2

hi all well Clive (Telesto) is coming up with 200p at reflector tonight and the 12" and 90mm will be out as well ,hope to image the moon and hopefully Clive will able to get the tracking go in and get some good moon avi`s.Pleiades is what i want to draw and a few other clusters whilst Clive gets the video and may be some ,images with the moon and the d10 and 12" reflector,update to follow update well what a night last night was,crispy cold ,and it was nearly minus four at one point .C



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