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Asteroid Flyby of yu 55

http://www.skyandtelescope.com/skytel/beyondthepage/131161943.html http://ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/comet-yu55-passes-right-after-elenin/ some thing to look out for, if we can see it in northern hemisphere.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Nice jupiter tonight in between the clouds!

Just grabbed the dob and had a quick look at 8.30pm Jupiter now high up in the south east and bright. its moons well spaced out with Callisto on the far outside. bands showing well, quite impressed with it tonight.

mr saddo

mr saddo

a strange sight

Hi all, been out tonight, and i was looking in to cygnus 7.20pm and i had the 32mm photo projection on just scanning around, i noticed a very faint star moving upwards very slow, i backed off with my eye, and had another look, it was still moving, in a straight line, i watched it for a few seconds and grabbed another lens say 15mm for a close look but lost it! it was not a satellite has i had seen at least 4 tonight flying very fast across my field of view has i ignore them now. very puzzled to

mr saddo

mr saddo

2 Obects tracked in the north east at 1958.

I just tracked 2 objects together by chance as I was taking 20sec exposures. The first was as bright as the ISS and the second slightly less. Its the first time I've seen 2 objects in synchronous orbit, or what seemed to be the case.



stop motion with widefield pics(sorry neil,mr tibbs)

hi all thought i would give this a try a new the clouds are out but a great way to show the motion of the stars and the clouds,25x30sec subs, the video is here mr tibbs gave me the idea after watch in is orion video wow i wanted to try my self i am going to try and take 500 x30secs at some point even more if a get time todd8137's Channel - YouTube there was a 20 second gap between each 30 sec sub can not wait to get to the dark site and catch a tree in the back ground cheers pat



Too much time on my hands.

Thought I'd have a go at making a video from DSLR images, rather than a webcam. I took some shots of Orion early this morning, so I'm using these, only 24 shots for a first attempt, which I shrunk down to 25% of the origional size to reduce the file size. A stacked image can be seen below. Next I found a Freeware tool called ImageToAVI, which I used to stitch the images into an AVI file at 4 frames per second. I then used a program to convert these to MPEG II format. I've uploaded the



It's not easy choosing your first scope...

I started looking into astronomy as a hobby a few weeks ago when, thanks to Eden on Virgin Media, I came across "Wonders of the Solar System" by Prof. Brian Cox. What an eye opener... Everything was explained in simple and easy to understand ways, the visuals, the ideas, the theories, the impacts on life today, it all totally astounded me. I started my journey on this new hobby by perusing some retailers I found via Google, but it didn't take very long for me to decide I was in way over my head.



orionids anyone?

well i was out from about 7 pm till 9 pm clear skies!! (ISS came over that was a bonus)with scope had a look round at various things, Jupiter now well up in east. did not see any meteors. any way went in and to bed, then i got up and sneaked out with 15x 70 bins at midnight! OMG it was so clear!! pliedies was stunning almost forgot what it looked like, has was cepheus, and perseus, with the wow factor, no orion though, i think it was below houses coming up very late according to stellarium.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Random binocular Milky Way panning finds M39

I put my ST80 out without any real plans of what to see, as I'm in the middle of sorting out a good battery for my NEQ6 / Celestron mounts (current battery is dead). I viewed a few things that I'd seen before, pleiades is always a favourite of mine, tried to see NGC6826, The Blinking Planetary, but no luck. Scouting along the Milky Way I spotted what looked like an open cluster that I hadn't seen before, I easily located it using the finder scope by keeping both eyes open and focusing my attenti



M101 Yes+dened pics

at last its has been seen by me last night i could not be leave it ,but there it was the first time from my own back garden have seen it so many times ,but never from the back garden . i also did a bit a video of Jupiter i think i have pushed the none tracking 12" dob to its limits and may now have to be happy with what i have ,ive tried to barlow the 90mm on the goto mount but the planets are still small even at x2,3, 5i`ll post the link for the pics on photo bucket ,and later will put the vid



Observing Pleiades

Had a look at Pleiades, managed to get 25 shots directly from my 18-55mm Camera lens on full zoom at F5.6, ISO 400. Not sure yet how I'm going to take similiar shots with the telescope as it zooms in too close using the prime focus method.



falling to pieces...somebody put me together

As my 2 year old says..."Oh dear oh dear oh dear...it´s on the floor daddy". You could hear the screams from the Mount from miles away as I started attacking it with screwdrivers and Allen keys.."You´re useless"..."You´ll have bits of me left over you know!"..."What?? you´ve put the small bit on the floor for safe keeping...idiot.." But I ignored these imaginary words of encouragement and now have a dismembered mount sitting in the Garage....that´ll learn it. The idea, no the great plan of unbri



Its Been a While

Well its been an age since my last post, that little thing called work. Nevermind its time to get back to it, I can predict this week will be spent searching for new ep's and searching for some camping sites to go observing and generally preparing for the clear skies that winter brings.



October 16th DSLR camera shots.

I Started out well tonight, the third night in a row, a great weekend for observing, and then The Moon started to rise. Gradually, most of the stars faded out. I managed to stack 16 x 60sec exposures at ISO 400, F4.5. I was going to try for 100, better luck next time. At least there's a better chance of observing, now the nights are longer.



jupiter and webcam and video

hi all was out last night after play in about with the mirrors for days i did another star test all was fine great concentric circles got some jupiter about 10x 10secs as the base is a dob ,and flys through the fov any way heres the pics http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/Jupiter%2014%20oct%202011/ they on photo bucket thanks heres the video on youtube



The Moon chasing Jupiter

I popped my head out the back door tonight to see if it was clear. To my surprise, it was clear and the moon was rising over the village. I had an amazing view of The Moon chasing Jupiter. I thought to take a quick shot. It's a shame the moon has so much glare, the shot below doesn't justify the true view.



Coverting a EQ6 to belt drive

This modification was pre-discussed here http://stargazerslounge.com/discussions-mounts/139411-eq6-belt-mod.html ****Please note**** This modification is for NEQ6/EQ6 mounts running EQmod ONLY, the Synscan/Syntrek handsets only support Skywatchers/Syntas proprietary 3.92:1 gear ratio. You will need access to a lathe to re-bore the gears to fit the worm and stepper motor shaft. 48 tooth gear needs re-boring to 12mm 12 tooth gear needs re-boring to 5mm 48 tooth gear needs 3mm taking off the



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