Setup Raspberry Pi for Indi ============================================================================================================== Install Raspbian (on a Linux PC - Windows will be different) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download the latest Raspbian distro at 2. Unzip the file. You'll get a file called something like 2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie.img 3. Put the SD card into your computer and then transfer the image to the SD card. find out the device name of the SD card (e.g. /dev/sde ) sudo fdisk -l write img file to card (note this will erase the existing contents of the card completely) sudo dd bs=1M if=2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/sde sync 4. Eject or unmount the SD Card and put into the RPi Setup the Raspberry Pi ---------------------------------------- 5. Connect the Raspberry to the network using an ethernet cable. We will set up the WiFi later. 6. Power on the RPi. A red light should glow and after a while the green light should blink (and that means the Linux is booting). A small yellow light tells you if you have network connectivity. 7. Determine the IP address for the RPI. I use Angry IP Scanner but other tools are available. If you are using the HDMI output you can just type: sudo ifconfig 8. ssh to pi from Linux PC (or use putty from Windows) ssh pi@ - default password is 'raspberry' configure using the raspi-config utility: sudo raspi-config Do the following: 1. Expand Filesystem 2. Change User Password 3. Boot Options. Choose option B1. 4. Wait for Network at Boot - select 5. Internationalisation Options - I2 Change Timezone - set to Europe / London 9. Advanced Options A2. Hostname - choose a new name for your Raspi A4. SSH - Enable SSH Select Finish. Say to reboot request. When rebooted log back in via ssh using the new password you set. 9 Update the OS. sudo apt-get update (this will update the repository database) sudo apt-get -y upgrade (this will upgrade the current packages to the latest version) This may take a while, depending on how old the OS image is at time of installation. When done reboot the RPI (sudo reboot) Install Indi ---------------------------------------------------------- Install the dependencies sudo apt-get install cdbs libcfitsio3-dev libnova-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libjpeg-dev libusb-dev libtiff5-dev libftdi-dev fxload libkrb5-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev dcraw libgphoto2-dev libgsl0-dev dkms libboost-regex-dev libgps21 libdc1394-22-dev Download the Indi Library for Raspberry Pi from If downloaded on a pc scp it to the RPi scp libindi_1.2.0_rpi.tar.gz pi@: Extract and install Indi Library and 3rd party drivers: tar -xzf libindi_1.2.0_rpi.tar.gz cd libindi_1.2.0_rpi sudo dpkg -i *.deb Remaining steps are to do with the Astroberry driver for focuser ======================================================== Install bcm2835 library ------------------------------------------------------------ cd /home/pi/software wget tar zxvf bcm2835-1.42.tar.gz cd bcm2835-1.42 ./configure make sudo make check sudo make install For RPi2 & 3 enable Device Tree Support --------------------------------------------------------- sudo raspi-config Under advanced Options select > enable the Device Tree support then sudo reboot Install Astroberry drivers ------------------------------------------------------------- Download drivers from If downloaded on a pc scp it to the RPi scp indi-astroberry_1.0.4-1_armhf.deb pi@: Install: sudo dpkg -i indi-astroberry_1.0.4-1_armhf.deb Start indi server with appropriate drivers ---------------------------------------------------------------- indiserver -v -m 100 driver_executable