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Star pronunciations

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Hi All.

Trying to learn the stars.

I have noticed that some people pronounce Betelgeuse, 'beetlejuice'.

Or bee-tul-juice.

I have also heard, 'bee-tul-guys'.

Recently I watched 'the planets', and the narrator on there pronounced

the star ' Bay-tal-gurs'.

Which is correct please?

Are there any other stars with different pronunciations?

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I don't think there is a definitive answer. Many astro names are pronounced differently across the Atlantic. It's like 'Van Gough'. How many different pronunciations have you heard of that? Does it matter as long as everyone knows what you are talking about?

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Then how do you pronounce Aldebaran?

Is it All-dee-bar-on?


Or is the All pronunced Al?

Confusing, isn't it?:)

In my mind you can call the stars what you want, so long as it's close, to me it's Beetlejuice and Al-deba-ran.

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Al-deb-ah-ran by all accounts. Here is a list I pulled from somewhere...

Name Pronunciation Alternative

Acamar AH-kuh-mar

Achernar AK-er-nar

Acrux A--krucks

Acubens ACK-you-benz

Adhara ad-HAR-a

Al Kaprah al-KAP-rah

Al Nair all-NAYR

Al Niyat all-NEE-yaht

Al Suhail all-soo-HAIL

Albaldah al-BAL-dah

Albireo al-BEE-ri-oh al-BYE-rio

Alchiba al-CHIH-ba

Alcor AL-kor

Alcyone all-SYE--o-nee

Aldebaran al-DEB-ah ran

Alderamin al-DER-a-min

Aldhafera al-da_FER-a

Alfirk All-firk

Algedi (Al Giedi) all-JED-ee

Algenib al-JEN-nib

Algieba al-GEE-bah

Algiebba al-GEEB-bah

Algol AL-gall

Algorab ALL-gor-ab

Alhena al-HAY-nah

Alioth AL-lee-oth

Alkaid AL-kade

Alkalurops al-ka-LOOR-ops

Almaaz ALL-maaz

Almach ALL-mahk

Alnasl all-NAH-zul

Alnilam ALL-nil-ahm

Alnitak ALL-nit-ahk

Alphard AL-fard

Alphecca, Gemma al-****-ah, JEM-a

Alpheratz AL-fer-rats

Alrakis all-RAH-kiss

Alrescha all-RESH-ah

Alshain all-SHAIN

Altair AL-tair

Altais ALL-tays

Altarf al-TARF

Alterf al-TERF


Aludra al-UDE-rah

Alula Australis a-LOOL-ah ow-STRAH-liss

Alula Borealis a-LOOLah bor-ee-AH-liss

Alzirr ALL-zirr

Ancha UNG-ka

Ankaa ANG-kah

Antares an-TAIR-ease

Arcturus arc-TOUR-russ

Arkab AR-kub

Arkab Posterior AR-kub

Arkab Prior AR-kub PREE-or

Arneb AHR-neb

Ascella ah-SELL-a

Asellus Australis ah-SELL-us ow-STRALICE

Asellus Borealis ah-SELL-us bore-ee-AL-is

Asellus Primus ah-SELL-us

Asellus Secundus ah-SELL-us

Asellus Tertius ah-SELL-us

Asmidiske ***-mid-ISS-kee

Aspidiske ***-pid-ISS-kee

Atik AH-tik

Atlas AT-las

Atria AH-tree-a


Avior AV-i-or

Azha AH-za

Baham ba-HAHM also Biham

Barnard's Star BARN-ards star

Baten Kaitos BUT-en KYE-tos


Bellatrix BEL-la-trix

Betelgeuse BET-el-jooz

Botein boh-TAYN

Canopus can-OH-pus

Capella kah-PELL-ah

Caph KAF

Castor CASS-ter

Cebalrai SEB-all-rye

Celaeno ke-LAY-no

Chara CHAH-ra

Chertan, Chort KERT-ahn,

Cor Caroli core-ca-ROLE-ee

Cursa COOR-sah KER-sah

Dabih DAH-bee

Deneb DEN-ebb

Deneb Algiedi DEN-ebb al-JEE-dee

Deneb el Okab DEN-ebb

Deneb el Okab DEN-ebb

Deneb Kaitos DEN-ebb KAY-tos

Denebola de-NEB-oh-la

Diadem DYE-a-dem

Dschubba JOOB-a

Dubhe DOOB-huh

Edasich ED-a-sick

Electra e-LEK-tra

Elnath EL-noth

Eltanin EL-ta-nin

Enif EEN-if

Er Rai er-RYE

Erakis e-RAHK-is (mu Draconis)

Fomalhaut FO-mal-oh FOH-mal-owt

Furud fur-ROOD

Gacrux GAK-kruks

Giausar JAW-sahr

Gienah JEEN-ah

Girtab GIRR-tahb

Gomeisa go-MAY-sah

Graffias GRAH-fi-us

Grb 1618 GROOM-bridge

Grb 1830

Grumium GROO-mi-um

Hadar HAH-dahr

Hamal HAM-al hah-MAHL




Hoedus I HEE-dus

Hoedus II HEE-dus

Homam HOH-mahm

Izar EYE-zar

Jabbah JAB-bah

Kaffalijidhma KAFF-al-JID-mah

Kaus Australis KOWSS ow-STRAH-liss

Kaus Borealis KOWSS bor-ee-AH-liss

Kaus Meridianalis KOWSS me-RID-i-an-AL-is also Kaus Media


Kitalpha kit-AL-fa

Kochab KOE-cab

Kornephoros core-ne-FOR-uss


Kurhah KOOR-hah

La Superba la su-PURR-ba

Lacaille 8760 la-KA-ya

Lacaille 9352 la-KA-ya

Lalande 21185 la-LAHND

Lesath LAY-soth

Maia MAH-ya

Marfik MAR-fick

Markab MAR-kab

Matar MAH-tahr

Mebsuta meb-SOO-tah

Megrez meg-REZ MEG-rez

Meissa MAY-sah

Mekbuda mek-BOO-dah

Menkalinan men-KAH-li-nan

Menkar men-KAHR

Menkent men-KENT

Menkib men-KIB

Merak MER-ak

Merope MER-o-pee

Mesarthim mess-AHR-tim mess-ahr-TEEM

Miaplacidus mee--a-PLASS-id-uss

Mimosa, Becrux mim-OH-sah, BAY-cruks

Minkar MIN-kar

Mintaka MIN-ta-ka

Mira MEE-ra

Mirach MIRR-ahk

Mirfak MERE-fak

Mirzam MERE-zam

Mizar MYE-zahr

Muliphein MOOL-if-ayn

Muphrid MOO-frid

Muscida MUSS-id-a

Nair al Saif nar-AL-safe


Nashira nah-SHE-rah

Nekkar NECK-ahr

Nihal nih-HALL

Nodus I NOH-dus

Nunki NUN-kee

Nusakan noo-SAH-kahn

Ophiuchus Oaf-ih-YOU-kus

Phaet FEYE-et

Phecda FEK-da

Pherkad ferk-AHD

Pleione PLAY-o-nee

Polaris poe-LAIR-is poe-LAHR-is

Pollux POL-lucks

Porrima pour-EE-mah POR-rim-a

Procyon PRO-see-on

Propus, Tejat Prior PRO-puss, TAY-zhaht PRYE-or

Rasalas RAH-sa-luss

Rasalgethi rah-sell-GAYTH-ee

Rasalhague RAHS-al-haig

Rasalmothallah RAHS-al-MOTH-al-ah

Regulus REG-you-luss

Rigel RYE-jel

Rigil Kentaurus RYE-jel ken-TAW-russ

Rotanev ROH-ta-nev

Ruchbah ROOK-baht

Rukbat ROOK-baht

Sabik SAH-bik

Sadachbia sah-DUCK-be-ah

Sadal Bari sah-dul-BAH-ree

Sadal Melik sah-dul-MEL-ik

Sadal Suud sah-dul-su-OOD

Sadr SADE-der

Saiph SAFE

Sargas SAHR-goss

Sarin SAHR-in

Scheat SHEE-at

Schedar SHED-er

Segin SEG-in

Seginus seg-EEN-us

Shaula SHOWL-a

Sheliak SHEL-ee-yak

Sheratan SHARE-ah-tan

Sirius SEER-ee-us


Spica SPEE-ka SPY-ka

Sterope STER-o-pee

Sualocin swah-LOH-sin

Suhail al Muhlif soo-HALE-al-MOO-liff

Sulafat SOOL-a-faht

Syrma SIRM-a

Talitha TAH-lith-a

Tania Australis THA-ni-ya ow-STRAH-liss

Tania Borealis THA-ni-ya bor-ee-AH-liss

Tarazed TAHR-ah-zed

Taygeta TAY-get-a

Tegmine teg-MEEN-e

Tejat Posterior TAY-zhaht pos-TER-i-o

Thuban THOO-bahn

Trapezium1A tra-PEEZ-i-um

Trapezium1B tra-PEEZ-i-um

Trapezium1C tra-PEEZ-i-um

Trapezium1D tra-PEEZ-i-um

Unukalhai uh-NOO-kul-lye

Vega VEY-ga VEE-ga

Vindemiatrix vin-de-mee-AY-tricks vin-de-my-AH-tricks

Wasat wah-SAHT

Wazn WUZ-un also Wezn


Wesen WEZ-en also Wezen

Yed Posterior YED pos-TER-i-or

Yed Prior YED PRYE-or YED PREE-or

Zaniah zah-NYE-a

Zaurak ZAW-rahk

Zavijava zah-vee-JAH-vah

Zosma ZOSS-mah

Zubenelakrab zoo-BEN-el-AK-rab

Zubenelgenubi zoo-BEN-el-je-NEW-bee

Zubeneschamali zoo-BEN-ess-sha-MAH-lee

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I agree that pronounciations are less important than some people make them out to be.

It wouldn't surprise me that if we ever get out into the cosmos and meet the locals they will have completely different names for their neighbourhood stars and think ours to be rather pretentious.


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