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SharpCap - free Astro Webcam Capture Software


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Less than a week to go now and it will be the 2015 IAS at Stoneleigh Park.

SharpCap - that's me - will be there and I'll be on the Altair Astro stand doing some demonstrations of new features in SharpCap and generally happy to chat about SharpCap, imaging, or anything Astronomy related. Do drop by and say hello if you're there - it will be good to put some faces to forum members 1.gif



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Hi Robin,

I downloaded v2.7 beta and used it last night on 32bit windows xp box, with max memory and a decent graphics card.

What struck me was that it is very CPU intensive at least on a dual core AMD 64 when rotation compensation was engaged. The app was progressively slower to respond to mouse clicks.

That said, it looks good, though it would be nice if stacked images could be saved in other than fits. I had to download a program work with fits none of my usual would open that format.

Tonight when I started the SC selecting a camera raised a dialog "camera could not be started  no such interface" There is no obvious way to work around it.  The camera is an AVS MK4 using the EZCap 116 grabber (again).  Here is the log--

Info:    22:03:34.6718750 SharpCap.Program.Main() :: SharpCap Version 2.7.1885.0

Debug:    22:03:41.9062500 SharpCap.Cameras.Basler.CaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Started
Debug:    22:03:41.9218750 SharpCap.Cameras.Basler.CaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Ended
Debug:    22:03:41.9218750 SharpCap.Cameras.Basler.CaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Started
Debug:    22:03:41.9218750 SharpCap.Cameras.Basler.CaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Ended
Debug:    22:03:41.9218750 SharpCap.Base.SimpleCaptureProvider.GetDevices(Func`1 deviceNameFinder, String infoText) :: Started
Info:    22:03:42.0312500 SharpCap.Base.SimpleCaptureProvider.GetDevices(Func`1 deviceNameFinder, String infoText) :: QHYCameraFinder - found 0 cameras
Debug:    22:03:42.0468750 SharpCap.Base.SimpleCaptureProvider.GetDevices(Func`1 deviceNameFinder, String infoText) :: Started
Info:    22:03:42.0468750 SharpCap.Base.SimpleCaptureProvider.GetDevices(Func`1 deviceNameFinder, String infoText) :: FindCameras - found 0 cameras
Debug:    22:03:42.0625000 SharpCap.Cameras.Ximea.XimeaCaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Started
Info:    22:03:42.3125000 SharpCap.Cameras.Ximea.XimeaCaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: XiCam.GetNumberDevices return 0
Debug:    22:03:42.3125000 SharpCap.Cameras.Ximea.XimeaCaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Ended
Info:    22:03:42.3593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : ManyCam Virtual Webcam to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : USB 2861 Device to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : USB 2828x Device to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : ManyCam Video Source to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3906250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : ManyCam Virtual Webcam to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3906250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : USB 2861 Device to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3906250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : USB 2828x Device to menu
Info:    22:03:42.3906250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.DeviceEnumerator.GetDeviceMenuItems() :: Adding device : ManyCam Video Source to menu
Debug:    22:03:42.4062500 SharpCap.Cameras.ASCOM.NewAscomCaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Adding ASCOM Camera Name = Camera V2 simulator, ProgID  = ASCOM.Simulator.Camera
Debug:    22:03:42.4062500 SharpCap.Cameras.ASCOM.NewAscomCaptureProvider.GetDevices() :: Adding ASCOM Camera Name = Simulator, ProgID  = CCDSimulator.Camera
Debug:    22:03:45.4687500 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.OpenDevice(DeviceTagData deviceTag) :: Opening device : USB 2861 Device
Debug:    22:03:45.5312500 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Started
Debug:    22:03:45.5312500 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Ended (No default defined for this camera)
Info:    22:03:45.5312500 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Starting preview on USB 2861 Device
Debug:    22:03:45.5468750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Started
Debug:    22:03:45.7812500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetPinControls() :: Pin controls being added
Debug:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Started
Warning:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failed to get frame rate list
Warning:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failure HR from COM method : 0x80070490
Debug:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Ended
Info:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: No native IAMCameraControl
Info:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: IAMCameraControl interface not found - no camera controls will be available
Info:    22:03:45.8125000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetProcAmpControls() :: Proc Amp controls being added via native IAMVideoProcAmp
Debug:    22:03:45.8281250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Trying to start preview for colour space : YUY2
Debug:    22:03:45.8281250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Resolution is : 640x480
Debug:    22:03:45.8281250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: FrameRate is : 30.00
Debug:    22:03:45.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.RenderPreviewGraph(Boolean useSampleGrabber) :: preview graph rendered to sample grabber and UI
Debug:    22:03:45.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: capture graph rendered to frame filter and preview sink
Error:    22:03:45.8906250 SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() :: Exception from Opening Camera : No such interface supported
Stack Trace:   at DirectShowLib.DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 hr)
   at SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow\CaptureProvider.cs:line 523
   at SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\MultiCaptureProvider.cs:line 378
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.<StartPreview>b__60_0() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 295
   at SharpCap.ExtensionMethods.RunSyncInUIThread(DispatcherObject target, Action action) in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\ExtensionMethods.cs:line 82
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 305
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreviewOnSelectedDeviceLoadingDefaultProfile() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 527
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 592
Extra Info:
Info:    22:03:48.9843750 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.SendCaptureEvent(Object sender, CaptureEventArgs e) :: Capture Event : DeviceClosed
Debug:    22:03:51.5937500 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.OpenDevice(DeviceTagData deviceTag) :: Opening device : USB 2828x Device
Debug:    22:03:51.6250000 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Started
Debug:    22:03:51.6250000 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Ended (No default defined for this camera)
Info:    22:03:51.6250000 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Starting preview on USB 2828x Device
Debug:    22:03:51.6250000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Started
Debug:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetPinControls() :: Pin controls being added
Debug:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Started
Warning:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failed to get frame rate list
Warning:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failure HR from COM method : 0x80070490
Debug:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Ended
Info:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: No native IAMCameraControl
Info:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: IAMCameraControl interface not found - no camera controls will be available
Info:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetProcAmpControls() :: Proc Amp controls being added via native IAMVideoProcAmp
Debug:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Trying to start preview for colour space : YUY2
Debug:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Resolution is : 640x480
Debug:    22:03:51.8593750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: FrameRate is : 30.00
Debug:    22:03:51.8906250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.RenderPreviewGraph(Boolean useSampleGrabber) :: preview graph rendered to sample grabber and UI
Debug:    22:03:51.8906250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: capture graph rendered to frame filter and preview sink
Error:    22:03:51.8906250 SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() :: Exception from Opening Camera : No such interface supported
Stack Trace:   at DirectShowLib.DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 hr)
   at SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow\CaptureProvider.cs:line 523
   at SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\MultiCaptureProvider.cs:line 378
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.<StartPreview>b__60_0() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 295
   at SharpCap.ExtensionMethods.RunSyncInUIThread(DispatcherObject target, Action action) in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\ExtensionMethods.cs:line 82
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 305
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreviewOnSelectedDeviceLoadingDefaultProfile() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 527
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 592
Extra Info:
Info:    22:03:54.9218750 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.SendCaptureEvent(Object sender, CaptureEventArgs e) :: Capture Event : DeviceClosed
Debug:    22:08:58.2968750 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.OpenDevice(DeviceTagData deviceTag) :: Opening device : USB 2861 Device
Debug:    22:08:58.3281250 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Started
Debug:    22:08:58.3437500 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Ended (No default defined for this camera)
Info:    22:08:58.3437500 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Starting preview on USB 2861 Device
Debug:    22:08:58.3437500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Started
Debug:    22:08:58.5937500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetPinControls() :: Pin controls being added
Debug:    22:08:58.5937500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Started
Warning:    22:08:58.5937500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failed to get frame rate list
Warning:    22:08:58.6093750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failure HR from COM method : 0x80070490
Debug:    22:08:58.6093750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Ended
Info:    22:08:58.6093750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: No native IAMCameraControl
Info:    22:08:58.6250000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: IAMCameraControl interface not found - no camera controls will be available
Info:    22:08:58.6250000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetProcAmpControls() :: Proc Amp controls being added via native IAMVideoProcAmp
Debug:    22:08:58.6250000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Trying to start preview for colour space : YUY2
Debug:    22:08:58.6406250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Resolution is : 640x480
Debug:    22:08:58.6406250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: FrameRate is : 30.00
Debug:    22:08:58.6718750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.RenderPreviewGraph(Boolean useSampleGrabber) :: preview graph rendered to sample grabber and UI
Debug:    22:08:58.6718750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: capture graph rendered to frame filter and preview sink
Error:    22:08:58.7187500 SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() :: Exception from Opening Camera : No such interface supported
Stack Trace:   at DirectShowLib.DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 hr)
   at SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow\CaptureProvider.cs:line 523
   at SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\MultiCaptureProvider.cs:line 378
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.<StartPreview>b__60_0() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 295
   at SharpCap.ExtensionMethods.RunSyncInUIThread(DispatcherObject target, Action action) in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\ExtensionMethods.cs:line 82
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 305
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreviewOnSelectedDeviceLoadingDefaultProfile() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 527
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 592
Extra Info:
Info:    22:09:07.2656250 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.SendCaptureEvent(Object sender, CaptureEventArgs e) :: Capture Event : DeviceClosed
Debug:    22:16:15.2031250 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.OpenDevice(DeviceTagData deviceTag) :: Opening device : USB 2828x Device
Debug:    22:16:15.2500000 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Started
Debug:    22:16:15.2500000 SharpCap.Models.Camera.ApplyDefaultProfile() :: Ended (No default defined for this camera)
Info:    22:16:15.2500000 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Starting preview on USB 2828x Device
Debug:    22:16:15.2656250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: Started
Debug:    22:16:15.5000000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetPinControls() :: Pin controls being added
Debug:    22:16:15.5000000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Started
Warning:    22:16:15.5000000 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failed to get frame rate list
Warning:    22:16:15.5156250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Failure HR from COM method : 0x80070490
Debug:    22:16:15.5156250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.FrameRatePropertyControl.PopulateValueList() :: Ended
Info:    22:16:15.5156250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: No native IAMCameraControl
Info:    22:16:15.5312500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetCameraControls() :: IAMCameraControl interface not found - no camera controls will be available
Info:    22:16:15.5312500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureControlFactory.GetProcAmpControls() :: Proc Amp controls being added via native IAMVideoProcAmp
Debug:    22:16:15.5312500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Trying to start preview for colour space : YUY2
Debug:    22:16:15.5468750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: Resolution is : 640x480
Debug:    22:16:15.5468750 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.LogPreviewDeviceParams() :: FrameRate is : 30.00
Debug:    22:16:15.5781250 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.RenderPreviewGraph(Boolean useSampleGrabber) :: preview graph rendered to sample grabber and UI
Debug:    22:16:15.5937500 SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() :: capture graph rendered to frame filter and preview sink
Error:    22:16:15.6250000 SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() :: Exception from Opening Camera : No such interface supported
Stack Trace:   at DirectShowLib.DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 hr)
   at SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow\CaptureProvider.cs:line 523
   at SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\MultiCaptureProvider.cs:line 378
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.<StartPreview>b__60_0() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 295
   at SharpCap.ExtensionMethods.RunSyncInUIThread(DispatcherObject target, Action action) in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\ExtensionMethods.cs:line 82
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 305
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreviewOnSelectedDeviceLoadingDefaultProfile() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 527
   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 592
Extra Info:
Info:    22:16:18.7187500 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.SendCaptureEvent(Object sender, CaptureEventArgs e) :: Capture Event : DeviceClosed


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Less than a week to go now and it will be the 2015 IAS at Stoneleigh Park.

SharpCap - that's me - will be there and I'll be on the Altair Astro stand doing some demonstrations of new features in SharpCap and generally happy to chat about SharpCap, imaging, or anything Astronomy related. Do drop by and say hello if you're there - it will be good to put some faces to forum members 1.gif



Hi Robin ,

Was great to meet you and have a chat , as you say it's good to put faces to avatars now and again ...  :p

I was very impressed with the live-stacking that you were demo-ing ...  :laugh:

And if you do get time to have a look at tweaking the range on the Homebrew Focuser it would be greatly appreciated , but I'm sure you're busy with SharpCap at the moment.

Regards ,


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Hi Steve,

It was good seeing you and so many other SharpCap users at IAS :)

I'll keep the focuser software on my to-do list. As you say , right now, plenty of SharpCap stuff to sort out and some new gadgets like an OAG and a new auto focuser to find time to use too :)



PS... @MoragaSky - I'll look into it.

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Hi Robin,

I downloaded v2.7 beta and used it last night on 32bit windows xp box, with max memory and a decent graphics card.

What struck me was that it is very CPU intensive at least on a dual core AMD 64 when rotation compensation was engaged. The app was progressively slower to respond to mouse clicks.

That said, it looks good, though it would be nice if stacked images could be saved in other than fits. I had to download a program work with fits none of my usual would open that format.

Tonight when I started the SC selecting a camera raised a dialog "camera could not be started  no such interface" There is no obvious way to work around it.  The camera is an AVS MK4 using the EZCap 116 grabber (again).  Here is the log--


Stack Trace:   at DirectShowLib.DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 hr)

   at SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow.CaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap.Cameras.NewDirectShow\CaptureProvider.cs:line 523

   at SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\MultiCaptureProvider.cs:line 378

   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.<StartPreview>b__60_0() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 295

   at SharpCap.ExtensionMethods.RunSyncInUIThread(DispatcherObject target, Action action) in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\ExtensionMethods.cs:line 82

   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreview() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 305

   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.StartPreviewOnSelectedDeviceLoadingDefaultProfile() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 527

   at SharpCap.Models.Camera.OpenDevice() in C:\Users\robin\Documents\Source Code\sharpcap\src\SharpCap\Models\Camera.cs:line 592

Extra Info:

Info:    22:16:18.7187500 SharpCap.MultiCaptureProvider.SendCaptureEvent(Object sender, CaptureEventArgs e) :: Capture Event : DeviceClosed



I've made some changes in SharpCap build 2.6.1850 that might just help this situation, SharpCap basically now sidesteps the error you are seeing, crosses its fingers and hopes that everything is going to turn out OK. I'd give it a slightly less than 50/50 chance of working properly, but you never know... These grabber devices seem to be particularly tricky to get working - they all have their own peculiarities. I have a couple that I have got going now, but not an EZCap 116.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Robin,

Just had a short very dewy and increasingly cold session using the new Beta version. Captured some moon close ups, although it was wobbling like a jelly with occasional flashes of clarity.

Several times Sharpcap stopped responding to mouse (touchpad) clicks although it merrily got on with what it was doing. I had to use task manager to stop it.

Not sure if it was just a quirk and a reboot would have stopped this. Toshiba running W8.1.

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did you notice anything in particular that was happening when SharpCap stopped responding? Was it always while capturing, or when you tried to do a particular action? Unfortunately freezes are some of the hardest bugs to fix as it's much harder to work out what was going on at the time than it is with a nice crash...



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It was when it was capturing and I noticed it when trying to stop a capture - all the buttons had become non-responsive.

A side effect was that clicking the icon on the task bar hoping to get 'close window' started a new instance of the program instead.

Almost as if windows had 'forgotten' the program was running - this could be a clue, although it still showed in task manager.

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Ah, ok, that makes some sense, as when you press stop capture it tries to write out any frames that haven't been saved yet (if the writing to file has got behind). Can you give me an idea of what sort of capture you were doine? What camera, image size, frame rate, save format, etc.



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Microsoft Lifecam Cinema at about 10 fps, full HD, saving as YUV AVI (IIRC) quite short exposure, medium brightness (a slightly misty moon). No stacking or other cleverness switched on, using a capture sequence (because I need fairly short files to fit on a USB stick!)

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You aren't saving the captures direct to a USB stick are you? That could make the writing of the output very slow and there are also some issues in the current SharpCap build if the disk fills up while capturing.



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SharpCap 2.7.1954 Beta now available

What's new in SharpCap 2.7.1954 Beta?

  • Live Stacking - make Test Camera available in released code for experimentation with these features
  • Live Stacking - much improved handling of reading dark frames - will convert bit depth and 3/4 colour planes as required
  • Live Stacking - add options to save stack as a dark or as viewed (ie including histogram adjustments)
  • ZWO cameras - Bug fixes to SDK - fix crash on selecting low resolution (ie 800x600)
  • ZWO cameras - fix issue where selecting custom resolutions and binning could lead to a crash
  • Altair cameras - SDK update - support for updated GPCAM versions
  • QHY cameras - new SDK - support for more cameras and extra features
  • Timestamp frames - Fix bug where frames were being timestamped incorrectly in some compressed modes (YUY2 etc)
  • Frame grabbers - attempt to operate if driver has no media control interface
  • Handle disk filling up in a more rational way (ie report a message rather than ignoring or freezing)

There are still some gaps in the live stacking features - in particular, images with a bit depth of more than 8 can't be aligned yet (and several of the test camera features aren't available on such images either).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello to Everyone,

I'm new on this forum.  I hope that I'm posting in the proper manner by replying to the Sharpcap topic instead of creating a new post (a bit confused yet).

I'm trying to use a Basler ACE USB 3.0 camera with Sharpcap.  I can only access acess the camera with the Basler GenIcam source option.  I cannot figure out how to recognize the Basler as a superior option that will allow better controls and more than 8 bit format.  I also see an option for USB3 vision compliant camera which is further down the list.  This is less desireable as i understand it, and iit doesn't work anyways.  The entire Pylon 5 SDK is installed.  I can see the camera fine with the Pylon viewer. 

The controls available under GenIcam look very much like the Pylon viewer controls.

So the real issue I think is recognizing the ACE as a different camera driver to get full access.  Not sure which direction to look.  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, and best regards,


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Hi Bob,

I expect that the issue is that I am using a bit of an old version of the Pylon software in SharpCap as I don't get around to updating it very often. Looks like I'm only using v4. I'll try updating to v5 for the next release which will hopefully resolve the problems.



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Hi Robin,

Thanks so much for the speedy reply.  I'll see if I can drum up Pylon 4, and test it with this camera.  If it plays OK maybe that'll work for now.  At any rate I appreciate the help, and that there may be possibilites for the future.  RIght now it isn't stopping me from learning about the camera which I have a lot of to do.

I really like what I've seen in Sharpcap so far.

Best Regards,


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Hi Bob,

No point in trying Pylon 4 I'm afraid - in digging around at this issue I found a couple of other bugs that have crept into the Basler code while I was making unrelated changes. I have these all fixed in the development code now and should be pushing out a new beta build within a week I expect. I must admit to not testing with the Basler camera very often as the one I have is a GigE Ace and it's more hassle to get it set up (power-over-ethernet injector, finding a spare network port, etc) than it is to plug in a USB camera quickly to test.



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SharpCap 2.7.2027 Beta now available

The big news of this release is the addition of support for Celestron/Imaging Source cameras. SharpCap should offer pretty much full control of these cameras now, including ROI, binning, 12/16 bit modes, RAW output etc. Obviously I've tested with just a couple of models, so there could still be gremlins lurking in other models in the range - bug reports welcome.
Another improvement to camera support in this release is a further update to the new QHY SDK, which, along with some bug fixes in the SharpCap code, means that more QHY cameras should be supported correctly now. I've had reports of pretty much the whole QHY5**** range working correctly.
ZWO owners need not feel left out - particularly if you are lucky enough to have one of the new cooled models which now will show the thermal stats in the status bar for easy reference. Additionally there have been a few more bug fixes in both SharpCap and the ZWO SDK.
To round off the 'cameras with an updated SDK' list, Altair and Basler cameras also both have updates. Basler cameras now need Pylon v5 installed and have had a few bug fixes applied to make sure they work nicely with the new UI for exposure.
Aside from a number of issues reported via the online error report submission, one fix of note is that when I added support for RGB to the SER file format a while back I didn't notice that the byte order was actually BGR, which means that the red and blue channels are swapped in RGB SER files up until this new build which fixes the issue. SharpCap still writes BGR format to SER, but now flags it correctly in the header. I wouldn't necessarily advise using RGB/BGR SER output if you have RAW available, since there is no gain in quality and the file is 3 times bigger...
Finally, you'll notice that SharpCap has a new installer. This is needed because the Celestron/Imaging Source SDK needs a Microsoft component to be installed to work properly and rather than just warn you that it was missing I thought that the right approach was to install it automatically. To be honest, lots of people will have this component installed already as many different software packages rely on it, but in that case the installer will happily skip over it, and if you don't happen to have it, everything will just work. The new installer needs a bit of love and care applied to its UI - probably by the next release.

Anyway, as usual find the download here.


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Wow Robin, I assume the lack of clear skies explains why you are able to put out updates faster than I get imaging opportunities!


Sorry to spoil the celebrations - this is under W8.1 - it was preceeded by a message saying a component was missing the first two times, but now only this error appears:


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How very annoying... that's exactly the problem that the new isntaller is supposed to fix (and does fix on my Windows 8.1 VMWare image...)

I'm assuming that you just installed by running the new .exe installer and clicking 'Install'.

Can you check in Add/Remove programs - you should see 2 entries that will have been put there by the installer

* SharpCap 2.7 Beta

* Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.30501

The second one not being there would be expected to cause the issue that you are seeing.

I take it that you don't have a Celestron/Imaging source camera btw.



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No, nearest I have is Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.21005 a log with an irritating number of versions (x84 and X64 and not specified)  back to 2008.

If only M$ could make them backwards compatible so you only need the last one :-(

Nothing by Celestron on board.

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