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First Light With the ZWO ASI174: AR2443


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My DMK41 camera stopped working about a week ago. I recently received my new camera, a ZWO ASI 174. The difference in resolution is impressive. I have processed 1 file of 70, and here is the result. These are big files and require a lot of processing. With the DMK I would need at least a multi frame mosaic to achieve such a large field of view. The details are also more subtle. Here is a single frame of AR2443. A blister on the surface of the sun.

I'll post more when I process the rest...




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Nicely caught Charles.

I stopped using my DMK41 when I bought an ASI120MM, not that the DMK is no good, far from it, it is just the frame rate of the more modern cameras and the increased resolution just can't be matched.  I recently got an ASI174MM, in most ways it is far better than an ASI120MM, but the smaller pixel size of the ASI120MM suits my Lunt 60 better, so still gets used.

If I had to take/keep one camera it would be the ASI174MM every time.

After a year of so of not doing anything with my DMK41 it is currently been pressed in to service as a guide cam whilst my QHY5 is having problems with drivers.


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Thanks everyone! I highly recommend this camera. There is such a huge difference in results. There is a bit of Newton Rings, but I bought a tilt adapter from Rowan Engineering, so the NRs are eliminated right away. The Newton Rings on this camera are much less prominent than on the DMK41. In fact, even without the tilt adapter, the rings are eliminated in stacking.

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