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A very pleasant evening


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Started observing the moon just before Jupiter became visible and with Venus bright in the

darkening sky. The Lunar surface viewed with the Binoviewer / 12" Lightbridge on 190x was breathtaking

even though the atmosphere was quite unstable. It did however improve over the subsequent 3 hours

and this allowed some of the best views of Jupiter I have had for some time, with multiple banding,

swirls, and the GRS all evident.Alternating between the Moon and Jupiter became the evenings work.

Ten minutes or so of observing M57 during which time at 10.49 it was bisected by a satellite, and on to Saturn which was now emerging from behind my neighbours tree.

Up to now I had mainly used the Bino, my beloved TV 32mm, and the 12mm Delos.

For Saturn I switched first to a 7mm volcano top Ortho which on 218x gave me hints of the Cassini

division, but changed to the 2.5x Powermate and the 18mm volcano top Ortho giving 211x and this to my surprise revealed a good Cassini, almost complete at east and west of the ring system, tantalising

hints of banding on the planet, but best of all the moons Dione,Rhea,Tethys, and using averted vision,


As a finish to the evening I tried to view M5 but though i found it easily enough with my Bins,

I failed to locate it with the scope  and the TV32,so just panned the sky until 1.25am.

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Nice report, sounds like you had a successful session.

I found the seeing quite poor last night, except for a window of around 10 mins when Jupiter looked lovely

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To be honest the "seeing" was not that good here, but the Moon is very forgiving of this and as an avid Lunar observer I find plenty

to while away the hours with even through the turbulence, and particularly when using the Bino.

The moments of clarity, on Jupiter, and Saturn particularly, were fleeting but over the whole session ,often enough to make it so worthwhile.

I have yet to enjoy, with the 12" scope , the best "seeing" conditions,but one day it must happen! :smiley:

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