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The 'lambda' asterism?

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While imaging Jupiter last night, I got out my 7x50s & had a 'browse', not looking for anything in particular.  I was suddenly stopped in my tracks by a group of half-a-dozen stars that looked (to me) surprisingliy like a greek letter lambda.  There were quite a few fainter stars around, but these really stood out for me.

A search on CdC finally turned it up.  They were the brightest stars in the Coma cluster (Mel 111), but I had never actually noticed that shape before.  I guess it was because of the orientation and conditions that made it stand out to me.  It was about 11pm (BST) and the stars in question were gamma (at the top), 14, 16 &17 with 13 & 12 making up the right hand 'leg' of the lambda.

Is it just me, or has any other member ever thought of these stars in this way?

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  • 2 months later...

Yesterday, I got an adaptor that allows me to attach my M42 lenses to my canon, and I decided to try it out by imaging this grouping before I completely lose it to the twilight. Typically, it was placed about 10o above my local friendly streetlight, but, for what it's worth, here is the result, with the 'lambda' drawn in.



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Well that's weird but last week I got a shot of an iridium flare.... and there's the lambda asterism above it!! I also didn't know what it was until consulting Stellarium; a case of the brighter Mel 111 stars standing out against the twilight sky:


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