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Celestron Nexstar 5se sky align

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Hello, I have had my Nexstar 5se for a short while and last night decided to try the sky align feature, (enter time, location and use 3 bright stars etc) however I got stuck straight away after inputting the time I had to specify time zone, I'm in Portugal at the moment so was hoping I could select GMT, but no, it seems that it is set up for use in USA as all time zones were American! What one do I choose?

Also, the next step to input location involves choosing country and nearest city, I thought I had read somewhere you could enter lat/long coordinates but can't find where to enter them, or have I just imagined that it would be a nice feature to have?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Grant.

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Hello, I have had my Nexstar 5se for a short while and last night decided to try the sky align feature, (enter time, location and use 3 bright stars etc) however I got stuck straight away after inputting the time I had to specify time zone, I'm in Portugal at the moment so was hoping I could select GMT, but no, it seems that it is set up for use in USA as all time zones were American! What one do I choose?

Also, the next step to input location involves choosing country and nearest city, I thought I had read somewhere you could enter lat/long coordinates but can't find where to enter them, or have I just imagined that it would be a nice feature to have?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Grant.

Do you not get the time zones as a scrolling menu ehich includes eg UT, Zone 1, Zone 2 as well as the US ones ? Portugal is UT.

To enter longitude and latitude; select your setup choice, eg two-star align and then hit the back button to get to the option to enter Lon and Lat.

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I tried the method stevend suggested to input lat/long coords for position but it doesn't seem to work, if, as he suggests, I select my chosen method of alignment eg sky align, two star, one star or whatever and then press the back button it just goes back and asks me to select alignment method again.  Any other suggestions?

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Had the same problem as I am in the uk with a new 130 slt.

Put your cordinates in like you have , it should'nt ask again.

Set to standared time >> Then select UTC (Universal time)

Theres a map in the back of the manual with the time zones , looking at mine it seems you are on the UTC line or -1  Its on page 40.

Then do your 3 star align bit.   Do a large triangle if possible.

That should do it

HTH, Pete

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