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Strolling on the moon one day...


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Its been a while since I've had an opportunity to observe the moon, due to weather and such.  Last night, I spent some time there visiting a few old friends.

12/27/2014 - seeing good - trans good - obs fair
90mm f10 refractor - 101x
Best view yet of crater Armstrong, near the Apollo 11 landing area.  I had some really nice sustained moments when it appeared as a tiny shadow filled pit.  I could see no sign of craters Aldrin and Collins to the west of Armstrong.  I may have to concede that these two craters are beyond the capability of my 90mm to resolve.
Rima Ariadaeus could be easily seen running from the terminator to the Sea of Tranquility.
I had some good glimpses of portions of Rimae Hypatia (south/southwest of Sabine) and Rimae Plinius (at the meeting of the Sea of Tranquility and Sea of Serenity).
Domes Arago Alpaha and Arago Beta, just north and just west of Arago respectively, were showing splendidly.
Polybius K was well illuminated.  The "Dam" contrasted well with the shadow filled crater.
Portions of Rimae Janssen were showing well, despite it kind of being too late in the lunar day to observe this feature.
And finally, a fantastic view of Aristoteles, Eudoxus and the towering peaks of the Monte Caucasus on the terminator!
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