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Langrenus (132 km wide and with a maximum depth of 4.9 km) is just another Copernicus style impact crater, or so it seems. Wall wrapped in terraces, having a central peak complex and partly floor plan, Langrenus is the East Copernicus. Originally thought to be the age of Copernicus because of its weak rays, however the craters count shows that it is of an earlier period called Eratosthenian. It has also been described as the largest crater formed in the last 3.2 billion years by, Hausen has 167 km in diameter and is also the Eratosthenian period.
  So what's left for the poor Langrenus?
Well, she is one of only seven craters known to have troctolite within their central peaks. Troctolite is a type of rock highlands combining equal parts of olivine and plagioclase. It forms when magma rich in magnesium cools, probably near the bottom of the lunar crust.
The second unusual aspect of Langrenus is that it is the site of one of lunar transient events (TLP) better documented. The experienced French astronomer Audouin Dollfus discovered that the ground north of Langrenus brightened temporarily when viewed in polarized light on December 30, 1992, and January 02, 1993. Dollfus interpreted that bright polarized areas were produced by the release of gases that dust rose above the crater floor. This is a unique observation, but well documented, and it is known that there radon gas concentrations in and near Langrenus Mare Fecunditatis detected during the Apollo missions 15 and 16. Perhaps the fact that the central peaks of Langrenus layers have been formed deep lunar crust has some connection to the degassing proposal. Some additional multipolarimétrico flares occurred since 1973.
Someone looked? This now this within reach of our cameras cameras to be registered!
Source: LROC / NASA - LPOD / Charles Wood
Adaptation: Avani Soares


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Hello Pete!
These I decided to exaggerate and change the processing habits. Normally I use the image already sharp in AS! 2 and dispense the Registax. This time I chose not sharp image, I used around 45% of the best frames (always use only 25%!) And processed in Registax with a slight twist to fitswork. Used in each frame 400

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