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The wonderful Trio Moon Center!


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Despite a heat nearing 37ºC images shot tonight surprised me. Ceratmente was one of the best shots I've ever made to date of the famous trio.
When I see Theophilus Cyrilus and Catharina well positioned in relation to the terminator always spend some frames.
Why this area attracts so much interest from observers? Perhaps because it includes the second best placed large crater visible side of the Moon (a bit less after Copernicus). This means that the interior of the crater Teophilus is clearly visible, with its wide, flat floor and massive central mountains. Some disordered terraces may occur with scallop the western part of the wall and slipped triangular block (similar to one found in the crater Plato), where ring formation encountered less resistance to expanding inside the crater Cyrillus. The exterior of the crater Theophilus is better than the crater Copernicus relative to show pools of molten material - viewed in front of the crater.A segunda razão que faz dessa área um dos alvos prediletos é que existem ali três crateras a Teophilus, a Cyrilus e a Catharina. These three craters are approximately 100 kilometers in diameter and illustrate the stages of degradation. For Cyrilus crater can be immediately subsequent to the crater Theophilus. The crater Catharina has been modified by a large crater in it, filled with stuff that probably includes material ejected from the Imbrium Basin. Perhaps there are additional reasons to make this a favorite for observation, a sea, a flooded basin cut by upland area.
Besides all that are situated in a prime location near the center of the lunar disc being easy viewing!
Source: LPOD / Cienctec
Adaptation: Avani Soares



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