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Uranus and Neptune

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It was quite breezy today and I came home to find the clemitis hanging off the front of the house. By the time I'd hacked all this down it was getting a bit late to get the scope set up and it was still a bit blowy to make this really worthwhile. Anyway, it was such a nice clear night that I got out my 10 x 50s and had a scan around. I had the abligatory look at M31, which virtually filled the width of the FOV and M33, a distinct oval fuzzy patch. I mainly wanted to hunt down Uranus and Neptune. I found Uranus quite easily via a star hop down from Algenib. Neptune was quite a bit fainter and being lower in the sky didn't help much either. It was still not too difficult to spot after a star hopw down from the water jar asterism. It'll be interesting to watch both planets move during the coming nights - if we get any more clear skies that is.

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Yes Uranus is good in the bins tonight, I am sure I could see a blue tinge to it. Saw Neptune earlier, and M33 which needs a moonless night to see clearly in the large ones. With Andromeda near the zenith I could also make out M110 and M32 next to M31, and reacquainted myself with M1 and the Auriga clusters. A good night despite the wind.

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