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Globular season is upon us

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After observing Mars last night, I set the 20x80 bins up on the P-Mount and grabbed a quick look at some globulars which are presenting themselves now:

In Hercules - M13 & M92 - both their usual beautiful selfs.

In Serpens Caput - M5 - I actually find M5 more pleasing visually than M13. It seems slightly flattened to me, which makes it more unique to me.

In Canes Venatici - M3 - I didn't find this one. Canes Venatici was approaching the zenith, and, even with the P-Mount, my old neck didn't care to spend too much time there.

We'll be swimming in Globulars when Ophiuchus/Serpens/Scorpius get higher in the evening sky.

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Great!  I'm really looking forward to having a good long look at these in the next few weeks, with 16x this year where previously I've only had 10x. 

If you need a quick star-hop to M3, it's conveniently located exactly at the halfway point between Arcturus and Cor Caroli. When you're roughly in the right place, a 1-degree arrowhead points towards Arcturus; M3 is one of its corners. (That's not going to help with the neck aspect of course...)

Is there a foolproof way of finding M5? 

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M5 is fairly easy to find with bins. It is the apex of a triangle formed with Alpha and Mu Serpens Caput. The apex of the triangle (M5) lies to the west of the aforementioned stars. But I usually sweep it up by accident when I'm looking for one of my favorite 20x80 bin doubles near 110 Virgo (Str. 1904 9.9" seperation).

Later, when Ophiuchus gets higher, one can have a great 10x50 bin view of M10 and M12. Both of these Globulars fit nicely in the same field of view through my 10x50's.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Omega Centaurus is about as high up in my southern sky as it gets from here. I can see it with the naked eye and through my 20x80's it is... Well, I wont tease you 50+ degree northerners with anymore description of it.

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Thanks StarSapling. Alpha Ser isn't on my radar yet (much less mu), but I know the Yeds and the 'bow tie' centred on kappa Ser, so this will be a good area of sky to get to know when it comes round. M10 and M12 should in principle fit in my 16x70 FOV, though probably more comfortably in 10x. 

Thanks for the heads-up about Omega Cen. If I get the timing right I can point my binocs due south, and by simply removing France, Spain and most of the inhabited parts of Algeria I should get a great view. 

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