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Lunar Eclipse over California - Recorded Live on Vintage Hardware


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Hey everyone,

I'm new to these forums, but not new to astronomy at all.

I've studied astronomy for quite some time during my college years as well as Aerospace engineering.  I ultimately became a computer scientist but still involve myself in astronomy as much as possible.

Anyway, during the lunar eclipse on April 14th / 15th.  I did a live broadcast on Youtube starting at 10:50PM and ending around 12:30AM or so, I recorded the broadcast using vintage vacuum tube driven equipment (just because), more specifically a professional production vidicon camera and just sat in my backyard at night, zoomed all the way into the lunar subject and had a good night recording and sharing with those around the world!

Granted the quality isn't that amazing and the tripod was wobbly, I still had a great time sharing my findings with others online and around the world during this amazing event, I'll be doing this again using much better equipment the next time it happens since it's a tetrad, the next lunar eclipse will be around October 8th and I'll be well-prepared.

Here's the youtube live broadcast of it, hope you enjoy!

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