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April 16, 2014: Solar lunch with loads of proms

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Just had a look at our star in H-alpha, and it is putting on quite a show. A huge flattened prominence with quite complicated structure is due east on the limb, and some way below it is a detached prom, hovering some way from the limb at an angle of 30 degrees to the surface. Northwards of these two a very bright spot can be seen on the disk very close to the limb, and a thin, curved prom seems to emanate from it. South of the detached prom, a number of smaller proms are visible. In the west, a "twin-towers" prom is very prominent, with a smaller, branched prom to its south. In the centre of the disk several sunspots can be seen, surrounded by a large patch of bright, irregular texture. South of this big patch, to faint wisps of filament can be seen, both narrow at the northward side, and the western one in particular fanning out as you go south like an  inverted acacia tree. The other also widens but not as clearly. Several other wisps and filaments can also be seen near the eastern limb.

All in all a lot of activity

duh, just noticed the wrong date in the title, now corrected

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Just had another look. The complex prom due east is now a three-fold arc, with what looks like a thread-thin, faint, long branch extending northwards. The detached prom is no longer visible. The twin towers to the west seem to have shrunk a bit . The "inverted acacia tree" structure seems more like a down feather (but from some behemoth of a phoenix).

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I've just had a look and there's so much going on its brilliant  :grin:   There is some high cloud here though so its very difficult to get sharp focus  :sad:  So I've contented myself with visual (Ha and white light).


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Really good here at 16.45pm. Plenty of proms and lovely amount of sun spots. Keep winding the pressure tuner in and out so much viewing proms and spots that I'm getting RSI of the wrist.

Matt from very sunny Suffolk.

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