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DSLR for wide field imaging but what about dew ????

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Hi All

I would like to do some wide field imaging using my DSLR. I have a mount that will allow me to track on bulb but what is the best thing to do to combat the possibility of dew when leaving the camera to do it's thing. I have a wide angle lens I would like to use so dew shields may pose a problem so would I be better off trying a dew band? I know some members have made their own dew bands so I'm assuming I could make one to fit. Or would it be better to accept some vignetting and use a dew shield and hair dryer now and again?

Thanks in advance.

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There are cheap rubber lens hoods for wide angle; bout a fiver on 'the bay'!

I made one that was stupidly wide with some cheap foam board from the pound shop but it had no effect whatsoever.

Dew band would work great although they are not super cheap and you will need some means of powering it too. Dew strip controller is where you start getting more expensive, and you'll need a power source.

You could probably knock up a battery to phono thingy with a control dial easily enough I imagine and plug your strip into it. Have a rummage for some tutorials on this as someone must have done it before!


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You can put together a dew heater band for a few quid, and likewise a dew-heater controller (good idea as it allows you to control the temperature and reduces power usage if on battery).  You can run them from a 12v power supply if you have access to mains (e.g. a laptop power brick) or from battery if not; obviously bigger batteries offer more amp-hours and thus last longer, but with a small lens heater and a controller you might only need a small 12v power pack rather than a leisure battery or power-tank.

All you need to know is here:



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