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Skywatcher Supatrak Set Up

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I have a Skywatcher Explorer 130P Parabolic Newtonian Reflector which I used for the first time last night without the supatrak. It was very easy to assemble and I viewed Jupiter and M42, the former being relatively easy to manually track for a while but it would be nice to make use of the motorised mount and tracking device.

The manual for setting up the supatrak is useless... so far (based on other online instructions) I understand I have to use the tracker to set the scope to point North at 0 degrees, but (and I know this will sound really stupid) I don't know what buttons to press to set it up (other than the arrows to move it up and down, left and right etc) because the manual doesn't tell me, so as it stands, I can move it around but I can't set it to track an object in the sky. The set up procedure would be simple if there were clear instructions...! It's rather frustrating...

Anyway, this is it:


If anyone could tell me how to set up this supatrak button-by-button it would be hugely appreciated. I have looked around online and there have been better instructions than what the original manual offers but I'm still confused (my own downfall).

Thank you in advance.

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There is an odd condition with the scope/handset that to slew quick you switch tracking OFF.

I wonder therefore if you are slewing at a good rate when that means that you are not then tracking.

From the manual you locate the object, centre it then press "Guide" and "Slow" together to get the mount to track.

There is a typo in the manual as well, the second,. well I think there is, the second line about Slewing Speed should I think say Tracking Off not On as in the line above.

HAve you also set the Latitude? As described at the top of page 7.

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Here's a quick setup guide.

1. Set the mount up so that the base is level (use a spirit level for this)

2 Attach the telescope as described in the manual

3. Power the mount up and using the four directional keys in the middle of the key pad slew the telescope so that it horizontal to the ground (zero on the scale on the arm of the mount) and pointing north. Switch the mount off and then back on again.

4. To improve tracking use the up/down directional keys to raise the telescope to your latitude ( about 53 degrees on the scale on the arm of the mount) . Now press the set and lat (2 and 3) keys simultaneously to set the latitude. The mount is now ready to use.

5. To track an object press the 1 and 2 keys . To stop tracking press to same buttons again.

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Thank you both so much for taking the time to explain and respond, I understand the tracker buttons much better now and I am going to follow both your advice and tips when I get chance to get the telescope out again, which will be tonight if the weather reports are correct.

They really ought to do a better job with the manual. I saw a review not long ago that said the same thing, hopefully they will take notice. Although I can't blame them for my lacking technical abilities.

I really appreciate the help, thanks again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for this explanation......I too have just got the Supatrak 130P......sadly it has to go back as it has a broken alt drive.....shame as we only had it for xmas....never mind....will be good when the replacement arrives  :grin:

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  • 1 month later...

Very useful thanks - also just got my skymax recently and was getting frustrated with the poor tracking, even after going through their alignment procedure. None of the above is explained in the manual. Will try it out tonight...

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