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Saturn 2013 from Craiova


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I have here a Saturn picture taken from Craiova on 04/14/2013, 0:37 local time, elevation 28 degrees, good seeing conditions.

I used Dobson 203/1200, f / 6, Bresser 3x SA Barlow ( F/18), ADC ASH, DBK21AU618as ccd, and ir-uv cut filter.

I did processing with AS!2 Registax, Astra Image and ACDSee.


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Thanks emilf for your response and comparison/information on the ADC in

I had another very serious go at imaging Saturn last night/this morning - about my sixth serious attempt to date and still getting nowhere near this quality on my attempts. But its extremely useful and encouraging to see comparitive images from similar equipment and hopefully one day things will come right and I'll get somewhere close.

In mitigation the seeing has been generally poor and 5 out of 6 nights were also quite windy - fingers crossed for improving conditions over the weekend.

Thanks again - much appreciated and good luck/clear skies in Romania.

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Excellent capture and process Emilf, much less noise than the previous great colour and detail on the surface and rings and more than a hint of the north polar hexagon. Another night of poor seeing for me last night - refractor dewed up after the first go at Saturn, so got the newt out, but the seeing was lousy again - it will come right soon!

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I tried something at night 30 .04 - 01 .05 but seeing was poor, however I selected something acceptable and I made an animation with ten frames taken between the hours 11:05 p.m. - 00: 07.



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I tried something at night 30 .04 - 01 .05 but seeing was poor, however I selected something acceptable and I made an animation with ten frames taken between the hours 11:05 p.m. - 00: 07.

Still excellent detail on the still image and the animation looks great.

You previous post with the capture at opposition is stunning - great processing on this and excellent resolution on the rings and disk.

Hoping to get out tonight with my new camera (QHY5L-II mono), so fingers crossed for some reasonable seeing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is amazing! Obviously brand new to this I won't be seeing things like that right away but one day I sincerely hope to have the know-how and the equipment to see and image these things. Incredible photo emilf :shocked:

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Like the latest shot Emilf - smaller image scale and perhaps less saturated colour, but very nice and sharp and the ring detail looks great with nice definition to the Encke division to the extremes.

My turn tonight and all the gear setup/cooling already, though will not be able to polar align for another 90 mins or so - seeing not looking so great according to the forecast, but improving in the early morning so will have to wait and see. 5x Revelation on standby, just in case!

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