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First Images

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I took picures with my new (First) Scope Last weekend but really think the images lack any detail can I have some feed back so i can improve. this is just a couple i have a number of Shots with varying degrees of under / Over exposure, all lacking depth & detail.

I also think i could achieve similar results with the 200 mm lens on the camera.

Image 1

Iso 800

F-stop 0 (Using Telescope)

Exposure 1/250


Image 2

Iso 800

F-stop 0 (Using Telescope)

Exposure 1/60



HEQ5 Pro mount

Starwave 80 ED Refractor.

Starwave 0.8x reducer

Nikon D70

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i know next to nothing about using a camera on the scope (only ever used a camera on tripod so far), but i can tell its jupiter so you must be doing something right ;) .

sorry,couldn't help myself. i'm sure i've read here on sgl that when taking pics of the moon your exposure times need to be pretty quick.can't help with the image size but i'm sure someone will be along soon enough. good luck with your journey into ap. looking forward to giving it a go myself soon. :smiley:


Please don't think having a go at your work, it's just my warped sense of humour

As i've said you've done something i've not even atempted yet.

If i've offended i'm truely sorry.

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I've taken numerous pics of the moon through the telescope, starting back with 35mm film and many wasted dollars on processing costs.

With the brightness of the moon short exposure times (fast) are better otherwise, the moon moves across the field of view and creates blurred images.

Are you using an eyepiece too, or just through the scopes tube?

I've done both and with the higher magnification of the moon through the eyepiece projection method, it blurs very quick.

This shot is with my Nikon D80 attached to one of my telescopes, possibly my 130mm Celestron reflector, possibly my 80mm ED Tasco refractor, I can't remember, I have 4 or 5 smaller sized scopes I play with.

You can also try DeepSkyStacker and stack numerous images of varying exposure for more detail, I think my pic may actually be a stack, again, I can't remember...

Now, have I had breakfast yet?? Hmmm......



This photo was taken at a relatively fast speed (for darkness) probably 1/125 or 1/250, I can't remember that either. The beauty of digital is you can preview then delete, no such luxury with film.

If you're like me, the images aren't overly visible on the small LCD screen of the camera (old, poor eyes) I take the SD card out and check the images on my computer then run back out and try again till I get it right. Of course this is OK if you're home based.

Play, delete what you don't like and in no time at all you will have perfect images.

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i know next to nothing about using a camera on the scope (only ever used a camera on tripod so far), but i can tell its jupiter so you must be doing something right ;) .

Please don't think having a go at your work, it's just my warped sense of humour

Actually it made me laugh :grin:


The images were taken with the camera attached to the camera using the reducer i will give it a try without the reducer next clear night i get with a descent moon.

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