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A brief but magic moment


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Last night I stepped outside just after 9.00 to check the sky out and was greeted by a wonderful window in the clouds high above me - the Milky Way spread from Cassiopeia through Cygnus and on to the south. The sky was so clear that as my eyes became dark adapted, it was not that obvious which of the numerous stars above made up the Summer Triangle, there were just so many to see. I walked to the darkest part of the garden and waited for my eyes to adjust further and it was then that I saw the North America Nebula for the first time from this location with the naked eye - an absolutely amazing sight!

As I traced the sweep of the Milky Way and the numerous dark lanes within, the clouds continued their relentless march from the southwest until the window was finally closed but it had been a view I will remember for a long time. Half an hour later, the heavens opened but this time it was pouring rain - we live in a strange country .......

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