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Another damp cloudy evening



So I have had my scope for a month now and have had only about 2 hours with it in the dark pointing upward.

And again this evening another damp rotten evening, so it looks like it's back to the books for another read on Astronomy for the newbie, me, I have purchased 6 in last 4 weeks and have read about 3, so still a few more pages to plough through, it would seem that clear skies are a rareity in my part of the woods, damn this weather, however it has given me time to think about how I can disable the really bright street light at the bottom of my garden, one of 4 within 50 yards of each other, they like their lights around here.

Which had me thinking, is there a website that has viewing sites around the country where I can go set up my scope without street lights everywhere? are there any other astronomers in my area that know of such sites? Should I create a website just for the purpose of passing on this information? Or am I just bored looking out of of a rain splattered window hoping for the rain and clouds to go?

I will now go and watch my recordings of the Prof Brian Cox expaining about the Sun, Earth and all the other interesting things in The Wonders of the Solar System and Wonders of the Universe, who knows I amy actually remember something he says this time.


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Keep your chin up it will change and just think about the frosty nights we're about to hit after December with extremely clear skies!!


I'm not going to sleep for weeks this winter!

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Thanks DrShminky, LOL, not too down, more frustrated with my new hobby and not being able to get out and enjoy it, but like you say, December will probably give me the evenings I need.

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So what do you do when you cant get a clear sky?


Answer:  You go on the internet and buy bits for your telescope, now waiting for 3 new items to arrive, idle hands and all that, LOL.

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allen i have the same problem new to star gazing hoping for some clear nights,,,but still try to get telescope and finder scope in alignment,any answers would be gratefully recieved.

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allen i have the same problem new to star gazing hoping for some clear nights,,,but still try to get telescope and finder scope in alignment,any answers would be gratefully recieved.

Hi Dave,  I have to say that I got my scope already aligned with the finder, so cant help you there, however there is great advice on this site from experienced Astronomers who can help you with that.


I have Stellearium, Red Shift and Starry Night Pro 7, all great bits of software that keeps busy most evenings when the skies are cloudy.

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LOL, hade clear skies all night last night, but, I have friends around and they didn't leave until daylight, I thought it may appear a little rude if I just got the scope out and started viewing, never mind, they were good company and I hear on the grapevine that we are in for some cloud free weather in the next couple of days.

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